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Dive into the mesmerizing world of underwater rugby with our exclusive photo gallery capturing both above and below the surface moments from the upcoming Champions Cup 2023, set to take place in Berlin from November 24th to 26th. Our collection promises to…
Dive into the mesmerizing world of underwater rugby with our exclusive photo gallery capturing both above and below the surface moments from the upcoming Champions Cup 2023, set to take place in Berlin from November 24th to 26th. Our collection promises to showcase the intensity, skill, and camaraderie of this thrilling underwater sport.
Experience the dynamic action as teams compete fiercely beneath the water's surface, maneuvering through the depths with speed and precision. From dramatic tackles to skillful goals, our above-water shots capture the athleticism and determination of the players as they vie for victory.
Please note that the underwater photos will undergo a meticulous post-processing phase, ensuring each image meets the highest standards of clarity and visual appeal. As a result, these captivating underwater shots may be available a few days after the conclusion of the competition.
For press representatives: Please check also IMAGO Sport Images agency
Stay tuned for a visual journey that encapsulates the spirit of the Champions Cup in underwater rugby, blending the excitement of the game with the enchanting beauty of the aquatic realm.
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